Guest post by Brooke Hodkinson

My name is Brooke, I am twenty-two years old, and have had hyperhidrosis for as long as I can remember. It first became apparent to me in gym class during my elementary school years. We were asked to hold hands with a partner, and mine was completely grossed out to the point that they asked to hold onto my wrist. From then on my sweaty palms were all I could think about, and I began to withdraw from many social interactions. I was not only embarrassed, but also felt sorry for whoever was victim to touching or being touched by my hands. You don’t realize how often people use their hands until yours are literally dripping from the fingertips. For years I didn’t hold my boyfriend’s hand, give anyone a high five, or even reach my hand out to the cashier giving me change back! I would dread any attendance sheet being passed around a classroom because my hands would instantly soak the page and there was no way of hiding that from the next person to sign. Through my dermatologist, I had begun to try many treatment options including an antiperspirant called Drysol, Botox injections, and an attempt at a machine called Iontophoresis. Nothing had worked.

I recently decided that although I had already made it one year through graduate school, I was going to change my major and start undergraduate all over. My major, Occupational Therapy, was too hands-on for me to ever be able to confidently and adequately help assist my future patients. After crying to my Mom about my decision to leave the major I am so passionate about and start all over, she decided to look into a surgery that my dermatologist suggested to not pursue. After researching the procedure and physicians whom have experience with this treatment, we discovered Dr. Fouad Lajam. After meeting with him for my consultation, I knew immediately that there was no one else I would rather have the procedure completed by than him. Though I had been nervous about what the surgery entailed, his compassion and confidence were what comforted me to move forward. Once I had woken up from surgery, Dr. Lajam had come to the recovery room to see me and shake my hand for the very first time. The results were immediate, and I couldn’t have been happier! It has been a few months since the surgery and I have not only continued graduate school, but have done so with a confidence that I never possessed before. I am so grateful to Dr. Lajam for his time, loving care, confidence throughout, and above all … the gift of dry hands.

Watch the video below for more information about Brooke’s procedure:

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